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Cultural Art



  1. Search for 4 examples of artwork from different cultures.

  2. Copy/paste the artwork into a document.

  3. Respond to questions provided in the assignment for each cultural work of art.

Student Example.

American Culture 



What culture is your piece of art from? The culture that this piece of art is from is America. 

Why did you choose this piece? I chose this piece because it shows a family celebrating an American holiday, Thanksgiving. 

What does this piece tell you about the culture? What this piece tells about the culture is that we celebrate events by eating with family and friends. Family is important and coming together at a dinner table represents this. 

How is this piece of art different from the rest of your choices? This piece of art is different from the rest of my choices because it shows a family eating turkey together. The other art pieces do not show that.  This symbolizes the culture of Americans and the family traditions and each era of the family coming together. 


Native American Culture 



What culture is your piece of art from? The culture that my piece of art is from is Native American culture.  


Why did you choose this piece? I chose this piece because I think that it clearly shows things that are special to their culture.  Totem poles are still displayed in tourist areas around the country. 

What does this piece tell you about the culture? What this piece of art tells about their culture is that they like to carve things that are special or have a meaning in their life.  Totem poles tell a story about their culture.  Each piece of the totem pole represents a story or parts of the story. 

How is this piece of art different from the rest of your choices? This art is different from the rest of my choices because it is a wood carving and none of the other pieces are. 


African Culture 


What culture is your piece of art from? The culture that this piece of art is from is the African culture. 

Why did you choose this piece? I chose this piece because I thought that it was clearly different from other cultures and it was special to the Africans. 

What does this piece tell you about the culture? What this piece tells me about the culture is there is a leader and as in this picture of the head art, the leader wears this during ceremonies.  It signifies stories. 

How is this piece of art different from the rest of your choices? This piece of art is different from the rest of my choices because this is clearly different from the paintings, and the wood carving.  It is a piece of art worn on the body versus a piece of art that is placed on a mantel. 

Mexican Culture 


What culture is your piece of art from? The culture that this piece of art is from is the Mexican culture. 

Why did you choose this piece? I chose this piece because you can clearly see that there are many things in it to represent her Mexican culture.  I saw sadness when I looked at this picture. 

What does this piece tell you about the culture? What this piece tells me about the culture is that they have different animals that represent different meanings. For example a black panther is a symbol of bad luck and death. 

How is this piece of art different from the rest of your choices? This piece of art is different from the rest of my choices because this one shows animals that represent meanings.  The art has many hidden meanings within the painting. 

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