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1) Create a Traditional Color Wheel

2) Create a Non-Traditional Color Wheel

3) Write a Summary/Reflections answering the questions provided in the instructions.

Color Wheel #1---Traditional Color Wheel
​see videos on how to set up your color wheel and how to mix colors. I created these videos and uploaded to YouTube













Color Wheel #2---Non-traditional color wheel

  1. Be creative!

  2. Come up with a different way to express the colors on the color wheel that is entirely different from a traditional color wheel.

  3. In fact, it doesn’t have to look like a ‘wheel’ at all! The only real requirement is that you clearly express each primary, secondary, and tertiary color in your non-traditional color wheel.

Student examples 

How do I get my artwork to my teacher?
Easy! Take a picture of both color wheels and insert them into a google doc or word file.
​Don't forget your summary/reflection:
Write a one-paragraph (minimum) reflection on this project and your work. 

Your grade will be based on how well you followed the instructions for the traditional color wheel, and whether or not your non-traditional color wheel was creative, original, and clearly expressed all necessary colors. You will also be graded on your reflection.

Student has all 12 colors in the correct order on the color wheel.
All three secondary colors are mixed correctly.
All six of the tertiary colors are mixed correctly.

Student has taken and created a design that is totally his/her own.
student's personality/ voice comes through.
All three secondary colors are mixed correctly.
All six of the tertiary colors are mixed correctly.

Paint and/or black lines are applied in a manner that is consistent throughout the whole project.
Extremely neat. Shows excellent effort.

​Student clearly and thoughtfully responds to each of the required questions.
Responses are legible with no spelling or punctuation errors.

A.L. Non-traditional.jpg
R.P. Color Wheel.jpg
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